Morpheus 8

Microneedling with Radiofrequency. Tighten your face and body with this
fractional tissue treatment, featuring the most dramatic results in the industry.

Morpheus 8

Morpheus 8

Morpheus8 targets subdermal layers of the skin and tissue to remodel collagen on the face and body. It’s a full-body, non-surgical, anti-aging tool that stimulates collagen production and skin-tightening thanks to the addition of radiofrequency.

RF Microneedling with Morpheus8 is an effective way to tighten the jaw by melting subdermal fat (double chin). Other popular RF Microneedling treatments with Morpheus8 include eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty), necklace wrinkles, under-eyes, and full face rejuvenation.

For best results, we recommend patients have 2-3 sessions spaced over 3-6 weeks

  • How does the Morpheus8 work?

    Morpheus8 is a device that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF). It stimulates collagen production by creating micro-wounds across the treatment area. Morpheus8 delivers the deepest fractional treatments available, penetrating subdermal tissue up to 8mm (7mm + 1mm thermal profile). Then the tool uses radio frequency to produce heat, which provides a smoother complexion and skin tightening. Microneedling creates the channels to allow the RF to penetrate the skin’s deepest layers and when radiofrequency can reach those deeper layers, it’s what truly contours and transforms the skin. The fractionated RF energy utilized in Morpheus8 is a scientifically proven method to reduce wrinkles.

    Treat and target the face including acne, acne scars, stretch marks, enlarged pores, wrinkles, jowls, jawline, and the submental area of the neck (the space below the chin). The body can also be treated including tightening loose skin on the inner and outer thighs, above the knees, and the abdomen.

    Book your complimentary consult or appointment for Morpheus 8 with Vanity today!

  • What is the treatment like?

    To begin the treatment, we apply a topical numbing cream on the treatment area, and allow the patient to numb for one hour.

    Then the handheld device is pressed into the treatment area, allowing the minuscule microneedles to perforate the skin. Once the pins are in place, they emit radiofrequency (RF) waves. The heat from these waves penetrates deep into the dermal skin layer, tightening the skin and fat below.

    This treatment has minimal pain / swelling and treatment time is usually up to an hour. It can be performed on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated with little risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is common with other resurfacing methods.

    There is no downtime and results are noticeable after 1-3 treatments. Patients may experience micro lesions a few days after treatment and slight redness for up to 1 week.

    Visible results can be seen after a few days, although the most noticeable results appear 3 weeks following the treatment.


Pigmentation Treatment

